Add the Affirmation Activator to Your Order Right Now to Become More Confident, Empowered, and Successful than Ever Before!

(Get Over 500 Powerful Affirmations in One Incredible Audio, Tuned to the Perfect Frequency for Subconscious Reprogramming.)

This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!

And it’s a tool you can use too!

We’ve put together an incredible program that not only helps you reach that coveted creation-rich frequency, but also guides you through a transformational “re-programming” process:

Tap into the creative magic that is your subconscious…

Access deep healing and clear away old, negative programming…

Create new mental pathways – a new servomechanism – to guide you to your true desires…

Rewire your brain for unlimited success and happiness!

And right now, you can do it at a very discounted price!

Get The “Affirmation Activator” Audio Course Today For Only $19 

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The Affirmation Activator takes advantage of the prime threshold that sits between your Alpha and Theta wavelengths. In this perfect state, you can access old programming and instill new concepts as well!

To do this, we’re including two key components:
A comprehensive Affirmation Course eBook that walks you through everything you need to know about setting affirmations (and making them stick!), and…
A custom MP3 Meditation Audio that guides you to that coveted Alpha-Theta wavelength, so that you can eliminate old programming, heal old wounds and “rewire” your mind to attract unlimited abundance and happiness
This is a digital product. Images are for visualization only. You will not need to wait for shipping!

Inside You'll Discover Powerful “Mind Hacks” That Dive Deep Into Your Subconscious Programming…

Things like…

A 2,000+ year old method to tap into, and control, your brain frequency to create any life you want (THIS is one of the greatest "secrets" ever discovered, and it maximizes the effect of The Law of Attraction instantly...)

How to re-wire your brain chemistry faster and easier, so you can live in a state of happiness, abundance, health and prosperity without even trying (THIS is how you write a NEW LIFE STORY, and it’s the key to attracting all you desire!)

2 simple words you can use to “power-up” your affirmations (this is by far one of the easiest ways to give your affirmations some “teeth”...)

​Why time creates a barrier to manifesting (and what you can do instead to sail right through that obstacle!)

​The life-changing action you can do RIGHT NOW to create a deep connection with your True Self (this is essential to your success – do this and your quest for self-discovery will advance in leaps and bounds...)

The real reason affirmations ALWAYS work (and how you can use this simple truth to create any reality you want...)

How you can boost your immune system, improve your sex drive, increase your confidence, improve your health, your well-being, your state of mind (this is a PROVEN method that has a deep and lasting effect on your WHOLE self - mind, body and soul!)

3 simple exercises to bypass old programming and instill a new belief system (this is essential to your success – without this step, the words and affirmations you say will be useless and have almost zero effect...)

How to elevate your expectations (learn this and you can actually raise your vibration almost instantly...)

And much, much more...

Get The “Affirmation Activator” Audio Course Today For Only $19

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And one more thing you should know… I’m not the only one that can attest to this incredible Activation system!

"I have to admit. I was a little bit skeptical when I first saw your video. I felt like I’d tried everything – meditation, the law of attraction, affirmations, you name it. I guess I’d grown a little bit cynical. It all sounded great but none of it worked for me.

But I’m SO glad I gave your suggestions a shot.

After practicing the techniques you taught us, I knew I’d finally tapped into what has been missing all my life, and now I know why all those other systems failed to give me what I was looking for.

FINALLY. Something works. I’ve never been happier.


Rivers Edge, NJ
“I'm finally FREE. I'm embarrassed to admit this to you, but for 32 years I worked a job that I HATED. It paid well. It helped me raise my children and send them to good schools but it was soul crushing.

I routinely went through months of the darkest depression you could imagine, and now I realize it was all because I hated my career.

When I watched your video I felt like you created this product just for me.

Even though I didn’t know the first thing about meditation or guided reprogramming sessions I gave it a shot.

And after my first morning session I was HOOKED. I felt absolutely incredible. It immediately changed my entire outlook for the day, and I felt happier, less stressed, and more productive than I had in months.

My only ‘regret’ is that I didn’t find this program sooner.”

Ben S.
Pittsburgh, PA.
"Six months ago I was literally looking over the edge and considering suicide. I’m not sure if I would have followed through on it or not, but I can tell you the day I watched your video my life changed.

It was the first time in a VERY long time I felt real hope that things could get better.
After watching your video I knew I had absolutely nothing to lose, so I followed the directions you gave us at the end of the presentation… and I actually felt… ‘pretty good.’

I owe you so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Bethany J.
Seattle, WA.

“I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.”

Philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie
“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

Media giant and actress, Oprah Winfrey

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”

Media giant and actress, Oprah Winfrey

“We believe, wholeheartedly, that our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas are physical in the universe. That if we dream something, if we picture something, we commit ourselves to it and that it’s a physical thrust towards realization that we can put into the universe.”

Legendary actor and rapper, Will Smith
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

Philosopher and psychologist, William James

And remember… your purchase is 100% GUARANTEED For The Next 60 Days!

See, I’ll be honest - I don’t want you to have a single reason to hesitate…

This is one of those offers that you need to move fast on, so I’m going to remove any possible obstacle that might stand in your way…

So, if at any time during the next 60 days, you decide this program isn’t right for you, just email me…

I’ll be happy to send you a full refund, no questions asked.

But don’t be surprised if you’re happier than you’ve ever been…

Don’t be surprised if your life suddenly starts looking better… if you begin to see new opportunities cross your path, if you feel happier and more “aware” of your connection to the Universe…

In fact, don’t be surprised if you begin to believe that you are exactly where you need to be to experience all the wonder the Universe has to offer! 

But you need to act fast… 

Right now, I’m offering you my complete Affirmation Activator system for just $19 

That’s a $49 value that you're getting for just $19.

That means you can’t afford to wait…
Claim your Affirmation Activator for just $19!

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