You’ve probably heard about the subconscious mind, and how it’s responsible for 95% of your brain’s activity. All the essential bodily functions like breathing, or oxygenation, movement… even thinking, happen at the subconscious level.
You see, your brain is like a supercomputer. It processes millions of bits of information every single second. Everything from a blade of grass, to a smudge on a window, colors, movements… all of this is realized at the subconscious level EVEN if you are not consciously aware of it.
Because the truth is, you would be overwhelmed with information if it was happening at the conscious level… you wouldn’t be able to do anything. So your brain has placed a large percentage of tasks onto the subconscious portion of your mind, to enable you to function and interact with the world around you.
And when it comes to things like memories, sensations, beliefs about yourself or the world around you… ALL of these are stored at the subconscious level.
Scientists now are convinced that it’s these very same memories and experiences you accumulated from childhood, whether from parents or movies or school… things that invoked stress or fear or worry or anxiety or self doubt, and were stored away deep inside your brain… are the TRUE cause of all your suffering!
But it gets better, because…