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My entire world soon transformed!

I moved out of my 1 bedroom apartment into a beautiful 4 bedroom town house (bought at auction of course)...

I no longer had to worry about my 20 year old ford pinto breaking down on me, because I had just paid top dollar for a top of the range European import with all the bells and whistles...

Blessing after blessing came my way as I continued to learn everything there was to know about the vibrational phenomenon.

Meanwhile Johnathan had been working on a sound-wave technology that could completely REPLACE the hours of meditation it takes to get into theta!

He discovered that it was possible to trigger the Theta state… using sound waves, carefully calibrated to the exact frequency of the subconscious mind.

It was incredible!

He took me to his lab, and I saw it with my own eyes…

When people heard these unique soundwaves, their subconscious brains opened up…

and that’s when we had a stroke of genius...

I wanted to see what would happen if we combined Johnathan’s subconscious-activating soundwaves…

With the guided meditation techniques that have been used for hundreds of years...

And the results were unbelievably amazing.

In just minutes, people with absolutely ZERO EXPERIENCE experience have brain scans identical to life-long monks.

It was incredible to see it in action.

and when we interviewed those same people days later... 

...they told us their lives were changing almost INSTANTLY!

A real estate agent who hadn't made a sale in over 3 months sold the most expensive house her company had listed!

A 47 year old school teacher was offered a $15,000 pay rise after getting rejected for the same promotion that week!

A mother of 2 working a second job as a waitress was given an $842 tip the very same day as her session!

It took me months to convince Johnathan that this was ready to be seen by the public and now it is finally here!

Today, I’m sharing this unique combination of subconscious sound waves and guided meditation to access abundance, discover your purpose, and embrace your true destiny...

And the truly amazing part?

You can do it right at home, and it takes just 10 minutes a day...

You will see the path in front of you and begin rewriting your destiny starting TONIGHT.

And you don’t have to do any hard work or difficult meditation.

Simply open the program, hit play, and begin the magical transformation you’ve been dreaming of… 

And it’s all possible inside one simple to use system...


10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Create The Life You Want, and Magnetically Attract New Wealth... Just 10 Minutes A Day!

10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home, and almost my life...

...and most important of all for me - whilst on a yoga retreat I found my soulmate who's actually more obsessed with spirituality than even me!

10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

Now... My Life Is Totally Different!

I became known as a young real estate mogul after making over $3 million dollars in just my first few years - I even found my way onto a speakers circuit for some time teaching what I look for...

I then took to the skies and travelled all over South East Asia - Soaking up the vibe as I learned all that I could about the history of ancient meditation...

...and most important of all - Whilst away at a yoga retreat... I found my true soulmate who's more obsessed with spirituality than even I am!

You can have all of that, too, and so much more: anything you choose to manifest in your life can be yours, now that you have the power to tap into the Vibrational Phenomenon.

Fate Brought You Here Today... And It Will Take You To The Next Chapter Of Your Life...

As you may already know, I believe everything in this life happens for a reason. 

There's a reason you've been through the struggles you have...

Then a reason you made it here today... 

and there's a reason you're STILL HERE, channelling the higher vibrations that are to be found when you step inside realm of learning about the vibrational phenomenon...

I can sense you're itching to make the next move, so i'm going to make it ten times easier...

I want to do something special for you...

I'm going to give you an exclusive offer for 10 Minute Awakening right now that most people never get to see...

Here's what you're getting inside this Exclusive 10 Minute Awakening Package Offer

10 Minute Awakening  RETAIL VALUE = $97

A magical 3-Week AWAKENING Program that returns you to your original, pure state, magnetically attracts miracles into your life, and raises your consciousness so that you can become the person you were truly meant to be.

Its The First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Sound-wave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Create The Life You Want... in Just 10 Minutes A Day!

But that's not all, because you'll also get these special gifts:
Melt Away Stress - Bonus #1 is a powerful Theta Wave program that uses these miraculous vibrations to induce an instant calming effect that gets deeper and more relaxing over time. Negativity simply melts away as these soundwaves wash over your mind. It’s the easiest and fastest way to relieve stress and relax… and compared to a $200 massage, the value is incredible!
Purify & Heal: the program that turned one exhausted and sick mother into a vibrant and healthy star! The power of this frequency simply cannot be overstated. I’ve seen it work wonders on those in pain helping them to rejuvenate the most exhausted, overworked people around. Gamma frequency has been clinically shown to transform your cells under a microscope, pretty exciting!
The Flow State: Remember those alpha waves that generate more creativity, focus, and overall power in your brain? This bonus program rapidly triggers your brain’s alpha waves to give you a huge boost in focus and mental clarity. If you’re trying to build a new business at home, score a big promotion, or simply tap into your full potential for creativity and focus, this program is an absolute necessity for you!
Creative Sleep: Creative Sleep is designed to turn your nightly slumber into a powerful moment of creativity and innovation. Artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and mathematical geniuses have long praised the power of SLEEP to bring them incredible new ideas. The only problem is… they couldn’t actually CONTROL those dreams. Instead, they had to just cross their fingers and pray for a spark of genius.
2 Bonus Binaural tracks that you can use to create the exact changes you want in your mind, whether you’re pursuing your passions or relaxing on your dream vacation. Anytime you need to get in the zone, clear your mind, or simply give yourself an extra boost to tackle a big challenge… Simply put in your earbuds and turn on one of your bonus Binaural tracks!
The 10 Minute Awakening Quickstart Guide: Now, it may not look like much, but this quick little book will help you get the most out of your transformation from Day 1. You won’t have to waste time trying to figure out how this massive course works. You’ll hit the ground running and get real results FAST, starting in the first few minutes after you get access to the course!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

Combined that's $397 Retail Value!

I've personally charged $97 for the 10 Minute Awakening Program without the bonuses...

And people were thrilled with the value and transformational results they experienced. But today, you are seeing something special that surely will not last long...

As I said... my goal is to make this hands down one of the easiest decisions you've ever had to make...

So today you're getting the Entire 
10 Minute Awakening Program 
For Just $27!

10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

A lot can happen in 1 year!

You can erase old trauma, delete negative thoughts from your mind, and rewire your mental programming… 

Start your new business, meet your soulmate, or buy your dream home.

It will be easier than anything you’ve tried before.

The brainwave stimulation technology will
instantly tap into your subconscious mind…

While an expert hypnotist performs the guided meditation techniques I mastered over the course of almost 10 years, deep in the Himalayas.

And even though this powerful program will drastically change your life over the course of 3 weeks…

Your results will begin to manifest IMMEDIATELY.

You don’t have to wait!

Starting from the very first session, you will begin to feel the shift in your life… as you watch stress slowly melt away, and the future looking brighter than ever with your audios transforming you, day by day, the more you listen. 

Here’s what Veronica had to say about her transformation:

“I was honestly skeptical, but it took less than 2 minutes before I started feeling more calm and relaxed. A few days later, I was a totally different woman. I’m in control, just like you said. And Today, one year later I’m finally going to buy my dream home!”

And she’s not the only one… 

10 Minute Awakening has helped thousands of people reach their full potential, and as I’ve seen for myself… it can work for ANYONE.

I know this magical transformation will happen for you because of 2 important reasons:

I have over 7 years of research and testing, healing people all over the world.
I experienced the very same transformation myself… although it was much more difficult and painful for me than it will be for you.
That’s because I’m going to give you the ultimate shortcut to happiness and abundance… a secret that I only discovered after literally dying.

Now, if you’re ready to get started and begin changing your life right now, go ahead and click that orange button below.

Today only you can get this powerful program at an 93% discount!

But if you want to learn more about how this program physically changes and grows your brain, keep reading…

Because it’s about to get really mind-blowing.

Now, let’s go back to those Theta waves… the secret to erasing negativity in your mind (even if you’ve been struggling with self-doubt all your life)...

Theta Waves are the Brain’s Natural Subconscious “Language”...

And they’re also the manifestation “roadblock” that’s been holding you back!

Theta waves are used by the brain during deep sleep.

But that’s not all.

Theta waves are essentially the “memory language” of your brain, and they can:
Create and store new memories (like the traumatic events that have left you scarred).
Trigger changes in your subconscious to expand your potential.
Most importantly… allow your brain to grow, change, and be rewired (through “neuroplasticity”).
You see, some brains are stuck.

They repeat the same thoughts over and over again.

Thoughts like:
I’m not good enough to get the promotion I want.
I will NEVER be able to lose weight, no matter how hard I try.
I don’t deserve to become a rich and successful person.
Does this ever happen to you?

If so, you are certainly not alone in this daily battle… but it doesn’t have to hold you back anymore!

Theta waves actually open the subconscious mind and allow you to physically CHANGE your brain.

That’s exactly what “neuroplasticity” is: the ability to change your brain’s chemical and physical structure.

You see, we’re not just clearing away stress and reducing anxiety…
See, the subconscious-stimulation you’re about to experience will put your entire brain to work for you… not just the 5% of your brain that makes up your conscious mind.

Your conscious AND subconscious mind will work together to create the life you want.

This is why 10 Minute Awakening is the only proven way to get the full benefit of the Law of Attraction and manifestation.

By using your entire mind to bring abundance into your life, you can finally experience the joy, happiness, and love you want.

It sounds incredible, but it’s actually VERY SIMPLE:

You will physically ERASE and CHANGE your subconscious memories, becoming a brand new person at the physical and neurological level!

When we trigger Theta waves with soundwave stimulation technology, based on the Vibrational Phenomenon, the subconscious mind becomes activated and “opens up.”

That gives us the perfect opportunity to rewire negative thoughts and painful memories through guided meditation.

But we don’t stop there… 

There’s one critical step you need to take after opening your subconscious… 

Take Control of Your Subconscious Mind with Alpha Waves.

Psychologists have studied Alpha waves for their ability to calm the mind, reduce stress, improve symptoms of depression, and increase your inner creative genius.

But there’s so much more they can do!

After the Theta waves clear out negativity and open your subconscious… 

Alpha waves allow us to REPROGRAM your subconscious, forcing the guided meditation sessions deep into your mind.

You can think of Theta waves as the Eraser… and Alpha waves as the Pencil.

You need BOTH to erase negativity and rewrite the mental programming that’s holding you back from accomplishing your wildest dreams.

Think about that…

How would you feel in 21 days, when you’ve finally erased negativity and replaced it with a higher state of consciousness, focus, creativity, and happiness?

It’s 100% possible, because the soundwave stimulation technology Johnathan discovered has allowed us to trigger both Theta and Alpha waves together

Everything You Want Already Exists… You Just Have to Bring It Into Your Life!

Think about your dream home.

The dream car

The close, loving relationship you want.

...and an abundance of financial security and freedom!

Here’s the secret to obtaining them: All of these things already exist!

You just have to bring them into your own life.

After all, what’s the real difference between a millionaire and a homeless man?

I’ve been both, and I can tell you that it’s not something different about your DNA or your childhood… 

It’s simply a matter of the mind… and its ability to attract wealth!

And it’s not just true for money.

Whether you want to discover your purpose in life, experience closer, more meaningful relationships, or simply enjoy more happiness and love…

ALL of it is waiting for you, and you finally have the key to achieving your dream life, thanks to 10 Minute Awakening.

Our mission is to make the world better for everyone.

That’s why we’re giving away $300,000 in research and human potential for just $27!

But we can’t keep bleeding money forever!

So please, do not miss your chance… because the price WILL go up!

And once you see the effects of this program, you won’t BELIEVE how much your life changes and improves.

Imagine wiping the slate clean and clearing away negativity forever.

Imagine gaining the power to visualize a new future… 

Rewire your subconscious programming… 

And begin manifesting the life you really deserve.

That’s EXACTLY what will happen when you try 10 Minute Awakening today!
My goal is to help as many people as possible… in fact, it’s my MISSION in life.

THIS is my Divine Purpose.

And I want to help you Discover YOURS today.
So please, simply give 10 Minute Awakening a try.

If you don’t love the whole new world of happiness and joy you experience, simply request your refund. No hard feelings, no questions asked.

I’m willing to put everything on the line here, because I KNOW you will never want to go back to your boring, unfulfilling life once you get the power to change your life and embrace your destiny.

Your new life begins NOW.

Click that button below to get started.

You deserve it.

Try 10 Minute Awakening today.

Click that orange button, and you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this.

Then, simply fill out the form and begin your transformation. Your privacy is guaranteed, and your purchase is secure.

10 Minute Awakening is sold on the popular marketplace ClickBank, which is very similar to Amazon and has done BILLIONS of dollars in digital product sales. 

They safe-guard all your data and payment information, and your security is 100% guaranteed. There’s an extra layer of protection for YOU because Clickbank will guarantee your purchase no matter what!

It’s why we chose this platform.

All you have to do now is click the button below to get started now.

I can’t wait to see your transformation!

When you complete your order you will be taken to a registration page like this

Here you will create your account to login to the members area. You'll choose a Username to login with, as well as a password to keep your account secure. It's important that you write your details down somewhere safe so you can always access the program.

From there you'll be taken to a "Welcome" page that has the access links to everything you need to get started

Right now, you only have 2 choices.

#1, you can take a small leap of faith, risk free with my 60-day money-back guarantee and try 10 Minute Awakening for yourself. 

So what if i'm wrong? What do you really have to lose? A few minutes out of your day at most...

On the flipside, if i'm right (which countless members before you have found to be true) you'll finally unlock the ability to manifest your wildest dreams.

The Universe will serve you and your family will THANK you for everything you are able to provide them.

You'll feel aligned with your destiny, and watch as your guardian angels dance with joy that you were finally able to get on the right path
Or you can take option #2, leave this page and continue living your life exactly the same way.

The same house, the same relationships, the same stressful challenges, all of it.

And the worst part, if you ask me, is having to wonder if you made the right choice.

Because if you take option 1 and take up me on my 60-day money-back guarantee, you really don’t risk anything.

Either your life will completely change for the better, with more happiness, passion, and excitement than ever before…

Or you get a full refund.
This isn’t a hard choice!
You just have to take action right now.

Click that button below and see what your life could be like with 10 Minute Awakening.

I promise you will be amazed at the results.

Click that button right now.

Still thinking about your decision to get your 10 Minute Awakening program?


Let me address a few questions I get, just in case you’re still wondering if the 10 Minute Awakening and the life-changing bonuses are really right for you.

“How long until I see results?”

When we tested this technology in the lab, many students had a calm, relaxed feeling and a deep meditative state within two or three minutes.

In less than one week, you should experience a significant improvement in your stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.

And by the end of the 3-week program, you will have a COMPLETELY NEW LIFE, guaranteed!

“Is your story real?”

Yes, 100%. I know it’s hard to believe, but I really have transformed my life since discovering the 10 Minute Awakening.

I moved across the country to my dream home in San Diego, sold my old home for above asking price, built a million-dollar agency, and met my perfect match and began an incredible romantic relationship.

I’m happy to share all the details with you, so just send me an email if you want to know more!

“I’m extremely busy. Can I still do this?”


There are no books to read, no complicated exercises, and no extra work for you.

Simply allow 10 Minute Awakening to trigger subconscious changes in your mind. It LITERALLY takes 10 minutes, and anyone can do it, no matter how busy they are.

I wanted to create a program that gave people the kind of deep meditation and lifelong transformation that usually takes YEARS to unlock… and I’m so happy to say that we did it!

“Do I need a special computer or smartphone?”

No! Any device will let you listen to these binaural beats and guided meditation tracks. iPhones, Android Phones, Mac, Windows… any device will work.

“The Secret didn’t work for me. Will the 10 Minute Awakening work?”

Great question!

These other programs often fail because they focus on your CONSCIOUS brain - the 5% of your mind, the “little voice inside your head.”

But 10 Minute Awakening unlocks the full power of 100% of your brain by triggering real changes in your SUBCONSCIOUS.

You don’t have to stand in the mirror and repeat mantras all day long. Simply let the subconscious transformation bring you the Universal gifts you want.

“How does the 60-day money-back guarantee work?”

It’s very simple:

If you don’t LOVE your magical transformation for ANY reason, I will give you a full refund.

Seriously, I won’t even ask you “why” you want your money back.

I want to do everything I can to help you reach your transformation… so I’m taking 100% of the risk here.

I’m extending my hand to you.

All you have to do is say “YES!”

Click the button below to try 10 Minute Awakening and experience your transformation starting TODAY.

Get started now.
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